Thursday, August 30, 2012

And the greatest of these is LOVE

Support comes in all shapes and sizes. Tangible, emotional, spiritual...Roger and I are surrounded by every single kind by so many people. Some might weigh one kind of support as more valuable than another, but I don't. Without a balance between the 3 I know there would be a noticeable gap that I would long to have filled.

Tonight I'd like to give a shout out to our parents. Both sets of parents support us in all 3 ways and I couldn't feel more blessed.

 Knowing I can call my mom or dad and ask them to watch the kiddo, knowing it would be more than supervision, is awesome. She won't just be safe physically, she will be tenderly loved and cared for, played with and built up. She'll be safe emotionally and spiritually too. She was bouncing and skipping her way to the car, filled with joy from her time with my parents and THAT is an enormous blessing. So thank you mom and dad for reaching into the heart of a little foster girl and filling it with love and happiness and healing. Your impact is huge. Your loving service so very appreciated. We love you guys. =)

On the yon east coast we have our other set of parents. Distance doesn't stop them from being involved in our care of neglected kids by any means. Today we received a giant box (seriously it was like 20 pounds) of clothes for our 6 year old FD from Roger and Carol and it was filled with adorable clothes. So much pink and purple, every kind of cuteness you could think of. =) On top of that we get messages of  love and prayers sent across the miles. It's incredible. And so so meaningful.

The outreach to us and our foster kids is not limited to our parents of course. My brother and sister-in-law, in fact all of our siblings encourage us to keep up with it, even when it's hard. The moral of this story? We're blessed. Super super blessed...and honestly without these friends and family in our lives I don't think we'd be able to stick with it. God knew exactly what he had equipped us with when he called us into this. Thanks, God =) I appreciate you too.

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