Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Into the Wild

  We got another placement today! It's a 6 year old girl and so far I think she's pretty great. I'm nervous to say that too soon because our first placement was great the first night and it went quickly downhill from there. But she seems super bright, pretty happy-go-lucky, and all-around manageable. It could also be that since there's only one of her it's not quite as stressful with 2 of us. I see hints of the argumentative side of her, but hey..what 6 year old doesn't argue? Seriously..I'm asking. I have no clue. Haha.

  On that note...Roger is going to be gone tomorrow early afternoon for 4 days and 4 nights. THAT isn't what I could call awesome. lol Perfect timing to get a new placement, huh? I will say I'm quite comforted knowing that if I asked, he would come home immediately to help. He's just that kind of guy =) The awesome kind.

  So far the transition with this new little girl seems to be really smooth and I'm so thankful for that. I pray she has sweet, peaceful dreams and it continues to go well. I also pray for her mom and that she will have the strength to do what it takes to take this cute little kiddo home.

  Stay tuned for how this progresses... =)

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